Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Multi-Million Dollar Award For Widow of Deceased Shareholder

Another One For The Good Guys

There have been many times during my career when people have asked me why I went to law school. There are many answers to that question but certainly one of them has to be the learning of a trade that enables you to assist others and have a positive impact on their lives. And while that reasoning might not have been in the forefront of my thinking when I was applying to law school, the wisdom that comes with age has certainly changed that perception.

Indeed, I had the pleasure of recently representing a truly fine person in her dispute with the partner of her deceased husband. The core of that dispute stemmed from the provisions of a shareholder agreement in which the interest of a disabled and/or deceased shareholder was to be purchased by the company. Unfortunately for my client, her husband had a partner who did all he could to avoid that purchase obligation, which included his secretly diverting business from the company owned by my client's husband, as well as engaging in dilatory and protracted litigation.

Thankfully, we were able to overcome every legal obstacle placed in our way and, on the eve of trial, when the defendant realized his options were quickly dissipating, and after a fifteen hour pre-trial mediation, we settled the litigation and provided for my client's financial security.

I knew my client's husband for only a short time. He unfortunately died soon after we initiated the litigation. It was very clear to me, however, that they were very close and I was particularly fortunate to have been able to represent them. And while I am sure this past Christmas my client grieved the loss of his life, I imagine she had at least a little more peace of mind from the results we were able to obtain for her.

Why did I go to law school? For a moment like the one I had when I and co-counsel Anthony DeLorenzo could tell her after fifteen hours of mediation that her struggle, which was started by her late husband, had come to an end.

Another one for the good guys.

Mario Biaggi Jr.